About Us
What sets us apart …
Our focus is on making you the Star.
WideWorld Video Carson City is the brainchild of Gary Jesch, a special kind of video producer. He loves to help businesses like yours develop videos and images that bring in valuable leads and repeat customers. Plus he sells the out-of-the-ordinary video displays that catch the eyes of customers and make sales.
Your videos can tell your stories. It’s easier than ever to put them to work in front of new potential customers and leads.
With our help, you can focus on Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn to build awareness, launch new products and stay in front of your clients and prospects.
Gary’s knowledge of Facebook ad testing methods sets his work apart from other agencies who are willing to spend your money. His process of diving deeply into the problems and challenges you and your business face extracts the foundations of lasting solutions and ads that reach the right audiences. His training in ad and video content creation will be put to your advantage, and the analytical side he possesses will help you measure the results.
His products called TheVideo.pro, AV Hero and the Template Store are set up to make life easy for you to use video marketing without hiring additional staff. He’s gone the extra mile by becoming a reseller for AllSee Technologies, an international manufacturer/distributor for digital signage for retail stores in Nevada and California. These methods come to life as easily as the interactive avatars that Gary provides through his other company, CHOPS Live Animation.
Remote Attendance by video streaming is often helpful when family and friends are unable to travel to Reno-area funerals, memorial services, Celebration of Life and family reunion events. Gary specializes in the longer, multi-camera live streams and recordings and he keeps the costs down in the process. HIs work is accessed via the Virtual Hall Memorial website.
Gary’s educational background is in Broadcast Journalism. His work experience includes 25 years of performance animation, working for Fortune 1000 clients at trade shows, corporate meetings, and other special events. He has many satisfied customers nationally. Whether setting up webinars, serving as a moderator, or preparing slides, he’s right at home running live streams of video to social media networks or his own web pages with Nanocosmos Live Streaming.
He wants to sit down with you in person, to creatively solve your video marketing problems. When it’s not possible to meet in person, he uses teleconferencing to meet with you via Zoom, or online.
Power Software Partners
You have one-stop access to our best programs
The WideWorld Video Carson City toolbox is loaded with all leading-edge video production software and you can get Do-It-Yourself (DIY) access to much of it right here in our Video Template Store. And you will never have to try it on your own, because we promise to give you excellent service and support.
We have recently partnered with Vidello to offer a great deal on Create Studio’s video production software, with a huge library of cartoon characters, video templates and animation functions.
For more information about purchasing your own copy of Create Studio, click this link – Create Studio Video